
This is just a short excerpt for the about page.

We haven’t lived all that long in Red Bank, but in our short time here, we’ve fallen in love with the area. From the magnitude of locales in the area, to its close proximity to the shore, there are a ton of reasons why Red Bank is highly regarded as a buzzing hot spot.

Being new to the area, we were enamored by the amount of restaurants, businesses, and scenic locations that Red Bank has to offer. However, we felt a bit overwhelmed at the beginning  whenever we planned on doing something locally. We’re big on eating out and sampling what Red Bank has on tap, but it’s a challenge on its own to uncover where to go – or to that matter, what to do as well.

So, Katie and I (John) decided that we’d take up the task of helping others like us to discover what Red Bank is all about. From figuring out where to eat, finding the best places for happy hour, or learning about upcoming local events, we’re here as your hosts to all-things Red Bank.

Thanks for visiting! And please, if you have any questions, be sure to contact us via email.